Friday, July 9, 2010

Some Blogs That Are Better Than Mine

Over the past few months I have found some blogs that I really like to read each day, I normally will turn on my phone when I first wake up and look at a few of them while I am waking up and since I like to find great blogs, I thought I would share in case any of you like to do the same (these are not necessarily in order):

1. Women Living Well - This is really one of the best on my list and normally the one I check first. She has a lot of helpful and biblical advice for wives and moms. She has a lot of videos on the left side of her blog, check them out if you have time.

2. Like a Warm Cup of Coffee-This is another one I look forward to reading every day. She talks about many things from being a homemaker to sharing about having an abortion years ago.

3. Confessions of a Homeschooler-A homeschooling blog with lots of good printables and ideas.

4. Raising Homemakers - A blog for mothers of daughters. This is only a couple months old, but already has had some great posts and I look forward to checking it every morning.

5. The M.O.B Society- A great blog about raising boys.

6. Skip to my Lou - A blog with fun crafts for kids. The kids and I made the sidewalk chalk paint this week that she has on there and they loved it! I plan on stealing a number of her ideas.

7. Homeschool Creations-Another great homeschooling blog full of good ideas that I plan to steal.

8. Heart of the Matter Online- This one has a number of contributors focusing on homeschooling and has a number of helpful articles. It is a great resource for new homeschoolers.

9. 1+1+1=1- Another homeschooling blog, this one focusing mainly on the younger kids, preschoolers, etc. Also the author of this blog has a few other great homeschooling blogs that you can find on her site.

10. Along the Way-Another homeschooling blog with great ideas. Even if you aren't homeschooling, the homeschooling blogs still have great ideas on them!

11. Clutch- A blog for wives married to men in ministry. I have only looked at this one for a couple weeks, but enjoy reading the posts from women whom I have a lot in common with.

12. Babywise Mom- I do not check with one daily anymore since we are moving out of the Baby stage, but she still has great advice for raising kids and so I do like to click on it every so often. We used Babywise with all 3 kids and this is one of the best resources I have found to go along with the Babywise books and have recommended it to a number of people.