Thanks to
Melinda, I have been tagged.
I am suppose to list 6 random facts about myself, so here it goes:
1. I would still coupon even if we were super rich. I think it is fun and I love going to groceries stores.
2. I hate clothes shopping. 1-because it is not fun trying to drag two kids into a changing room with you and make them stay in there without opening the curtain/door while you are changing, 2-because clothes never fit me and 3-I hate to spend tons of money. If we were rich, I would happily hire a personal shopper to do it all for me.
3. I love being pregnant and am sad I just have a few more weeks, especially since this is the last time, but I am grateful I got to do it three times.
4. The kids and I went to a free Gymboree Class this morning and I didn't really like it. Way too expensive and too chaotic.
5. I am Seth's secretary and do his PowerPoint slides, handouts and the church bulletin (all from home).
6. I love being a Stay at Home wife and mom and I use to say I would go back to teaching once the kids were grown and graduated from high school, but now I don't really see that happening since by that point I will be out of teaching for 25+ years.
Don't worry I am not going to tag you (you guys never do it anyways when I do tag you). I will let this tag die with me.