Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Others

A long time ago, Seth said he typed in our blog address wrong and it was another McDowell family. So I typed in a couple different versions our address and ever since then I randomly like to check on our "relatives" and see what they are doing. Both of the other McDowell families recently had baby girls also. http://www.themcdowellfamily.blogspot.com/ and http://www.mcdowellfamilyblog.blogspot.com/

On a completely other note. The kids are doing pretty good in their new sleeping arrangements. I did decide to split them up for nap time for awhile (Charlie naps in our closet in the pack and play) until Charlie gets better about staying in his bed and Macy gets better about constantly talking to Charlie at nap time. They HAVE to have a nap or it makes for a super cranky afternoon, so for a little while, this is what we are doing.


Paul said...

Kind of reminds me of the time you rode in the trunk in Germany when Grandma and Grandpa Blewett came to visit. We had to cram in the old Sundance. You though it was fun!

Elaine said...

Just don't LOCK Charlie in the closet. That would require an intervention by the authorities ...